I live in French Canada, so a Frog Butt is a totally different concept to me…it’s usually one found at the strip club living shit stains on your jeans because of all the poutine they ate….at least in the strip clubs I used to frequent when strip clubs were open….
There’s an ongoing joke that French gils always have stripper as their back-up plan to get paid an live their best French Canadian life…you know if their hair dresser, spray tan, bar maid, bottle service accomplishments ever fall through…
That’s not to say French girls aren’t hot or that they don’t fuck on the first date that doesn’t need to be a date…they have that JOY OF LIFE…and fucking is part of those good times…
It’s to say that Frog Butts when they aren’t the butts of french girls, are girls on their knees, arching in ways that I guess make their asses look hotter…so these are frog butts, far better than actual frog butts, do frogs even have butts? I’ve never seen a frog shit…the frog frog not the french frog…I’ve seen french frogs shit…it was an upsell….the worst upsell ever.
Posted in:Frog Butt