I'll Make You Famous…




Chelsea Handler Burns Her Ass of the Day

Chelsea Handler is rumored to be going on tour because she’s vaccinated and horny, which is the name of the show….which makes sense because girls are allowed to have wet pussies if they want..men aren’t allowed to talk about their erections because boners are perverted and symbols of oppression…just ask the girls who got Louie CK cancelled…not that I think any comedian shouldn’t be cancelled…they are all losers who don’t stand by their jokes, who are fame whore idiots, oftentimes one trick ponies who found a hook that worked for them, and they just consistently repeat themselves and their jokes and it’s all so unimpressive…especially now that they are scared for being cancelled despite having made stupid money in the lamest and easiest way….so their jokes aren’t progressive or interesting…its’ all woke shit pandering and they should be ignored…

Chelsea Handler was probably always horny, I would assume that’s how she got where she got, and her nudes for attention is a constant reminder of that, however, the horny may have only set in when she hit menopause, you know all that testosterone….

This is her shaking her ass from a mile away from the mirror and it looks alright to me…I mean when you’re a vain fake titty bitch with a dream to be a famous actress and you lower yourself through comedy and it worked, you might as well be naked on instagram to keep that broken dream alive…


Posted in:Chelsea Handler