I'll Make You Famous…




Addison Rae Ass in Shorts of the Day

As a general rule, we know that the people who get famous now are far less deserving of the people who got famous in the past, because getting famous is a lot easier, you can do it from the comfort of your home and there are all kinds of tricks you can do to go “viral”…clearly tricks I don’t bother with having an old fucking site with no website traffic…but that I know exist because I’ve had this old fucking site since it was a new fucking site back in 2004 and in the process have seen many billionaires happen..

So…back in the day, a child was either sold to the industry by a parent who was so eager to have the celebrity life that’d they’d sacrifice their child for it….or you’d have some random model move or rich kid move to LA and fuck the right people…there was never actually any talent, hard work or merit involved…but it required actually going to LA to suck up to the right people and be charismatic enough with your throat skills to get a shot….you justed needed to convince the right person…

But now, you just need to have followers, so you need to convince a bunch of idiots you matter and they don’t even need to be real followers, they just have to be seemingly real, so that those same execs come to you after you’re already rolling with opportunities to cash the fuck in on those followers in a bigger way than you already are, whether they have a plan or not, they know “we can make a shitty pop song, we can cast her in a shitty movie, the fans are retards, we’re good”…all while NOTHING is actually good…pretty depressing from a quality of content standpoint.

Addison Rae, who I guess is repped by a Kardashian and is doing the whole brand thing, she’s got 40 million followers on IG alone and her whole thing was lip synching and badly dancing on TikTok, so anything she does prints money…even if it makes no fucking sense to me or anyone else out there…they just pander to it cuz it’s what the people want….even if it is zero Charismatic…

So this is the biggest thing on TikTok and not just cuz she’s a thick girl from Louisiana…but because she’s got a massive following…and she’s in shorts…since the world or industry has decided she matters…then her fucking shorts matter too…


Posted in:Addison Rae