Beatrice Bouchard is a hometown hottie. She’s the twin sister of tennis star Eugenie Bouchard….where Eugenie got the professional tennis playing, multi million dollar earning skills and Beatrice got the body.
I am always drawn to the sisters of the famous and seemingly more accomplished, because everyone’s got a hard on for the “powerhouse” in the family. They focus on the one who has to work hard, train, grind, attend events and all that other bullshit, when the real winner is the sister who gets the lifestyle without the work, all for being the sister…
So as Eugenie gets out there to win and lose, this one is in the VIP section drinking with important people, holding it down on a social level. It’s important and it’s more fucking fun.
I assume she works as an influencer since this is some influencer content and look at that fucking body, that shit would probably influence you to do all kinds of dumb shit just to get noticed or even worse if she asked you to….it’s one of those bodies that would emasculate you if she chose to use her influencer body for evil and not for good.
I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t be a fan of this pool side bikini pic, I think it’d be impossible or maybe they are gay….but gays are still impressed with important people with important family members…they like nice things and status is a nice thing…they also like unprotected sex in bath houses and taking AIDS medication to prevent getting AIDS like it’s a vitamin, strictly to get their fuck on….and apparently they are also integrating themselves into the NFL as more and more people become gay from watching all that porno dick and thinking they’re into it for the dick and not the gutter bitch degrading herself for a dollar.
Posted in:Beatrice Bouchard