I'll Make You Famous…




Maddie Ziegler Nipples of the Day

Maddie Ziegler is some industry kitten who was sold to the child dance industry, which is probably a more important part of Hollywood than the average person knows, because we don’t pay attention to any of that shit, I just find it disturbing that child dancing shows exist on cable, but maybe because I think of dancing as a sensual thing, because I am a pervert….it’s not my fault, strippers made me this way, I am a victim….

Since it is Hollywood, I wouldn’t really believe them if they say “It’s for the moms”….because I know how the internet works and there are a lot of creeps out there, you may be one too…

Anyway, Ziegler, thanks to her child dance show ended up in a series of Music Videos, basically making her a dancing meme we’ve seen for years at this point, but then turned 18 and decided to connect with her generation of premium content creators by producing her own hotter content, so the dancer, now 18, already on what I’d call the sexualizing herself to push whatever she’s pushing agenda, but it could just be girls being girls, or girls being girls chasing likes and follows…they’re all competing against each other be seen and the most outrageous and slutty will prosper…which is disturbing…but great…a society of sex workers, where are we heading with this OWN NOTHING / BE HAPPY future utopia they are putting together….distracted by the pussy….as we already are….but there’s a real lack of romance, nuance, tease, subtlty, modesty, not everything needs to be a viral “look how much my ass can take” cry for attention….the cocktease is a wonderful thing….


Posted in:Maddie Ziegler