I'll Make You Famous…




Sofia Richie Bikini of the Day

I think Sofia Richie is lame as shit, mainly because she’s a fucking rich as shit rich kid who you know gets an allowance from Daddy, and who doesn’t need to have a daddy of her own to finance her fancy life…Lionel’s got fat bank accounts, I even think he’s got a private jet, we’re talking REAL fucking money….so she could have basically launched her instagram model career without the help of basically anyone….she could have built her own little empire, whether with brands, or content, or good times, or with other girls who have following that don’t have the angel investor like her Dad….

But instead, she signed a deal with the devil herself, the Kardashians, by playing some jailbait girlfriend of the 40 year old party boy Disick who I guess helped orchestrate the whole Kardashian thing and who is continuing to do it with the kids of his friends…and family..

So with all her access, she said “get to the top of the food chain”….and in a society that the Kardashians are the top of the food chain, and viewed as relevant as cool, we know is a society near collapse….but the fact that she aligned with their values of being rich for the sake of being rich, when she’s already rich…only to show off how rich people live to the losers who aren’t rich….something otherwise seen as tacky and gross…is pretty disappointing…especially when RICH is in her fucking name…we don’t need it rubbed the fuck in…not to mention showing off how rich you are is ALWAYS fucking boring…how about figuring out something inspiring or interesting with that money…they never fucking do…these vapid monsters…

I really don’t have hope for young people, rich peopole, people with access, they just chase what’s popular instead of using their brains and making something popular….

But I will stare at her bikini bod, cuz she’s hot and luckily not Nicole Richie….the bootleg Richie found in a dumpster who is not a Richie at all..


Posted in:Sofia Richie