I know you’re here for the tits and ass of celebrities who would never give you the time of day because their are typically pieces of shit and you’re not very impressive or exciting or capable of offering their self involved asses some way to elevate their celebrity or make themselves more money than they already have….because our society puts so much importance on money, that everyone chases it, and the rich, even when not that interesting or intelligent, inspiring or unique, are seen as some higher level human..when really they were born into it or sucked the right dick….
So you don’t want to hear about how COVID DEATHS really only impacted obese people, because obesity, despite the social media empowerment movement that celebrates fat chicks as more than just the weirdest fetish…obesity fucking kills…and not just from COVID, but from everything…
So when they closed down your gyms, and made you order food, while sitting on your fat ass in lockdown that for whatever reason you went along with, because being a homebody isn’t so bad when that’s all anyone does anyway….motherfuckers got fatter….putting them at more risk of dying of covid…while the smart people said “I should drop weight now that I’m not working and did”….
I hope you’re part of the improving, the getting healthier and stronger, to fight this apocalyptic fight that’s taking far too long to go into effect….and I guess whether you are or not…you can watch some famous bitch do yoga to really grasp the importance of fitness and wellness and health….even if you’re eating a cake while doing it…
Posted in:Elle Fanning