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On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

I have been seeing people freaking out about the door-to-door vaccine campaigns….or this video that’s going viral:

Locally, the government is legally allowed to force vaccinate us, but they are pretending that they won’t, that it is our right to choose, but if you choose not to get vaccinated, you’ll be forced into LOCKDOWNS and ADDITIONAL TESTING….while the vaccinated don’t have to….basically creating two classes of people…those who trust science and those who trust the government…

So whether you believe in vaccine passports and a lot of people do, even if it’s additional government tracking that would be seen as “none of their business” under the guise that we live in a free world, which we don’t….or if it you think they are the dark signs of a dark future….because clearly, this is going to lead to two classes of people…the vaccinated who will LOVE and will DEMAND because despite being vaccinated – they don’t want to be around the unvaccinated who are seen as the people keeping COVID lockdowns alive….and the unvaccinated are the bad guys….where the vaccinated can live normal and the unvaccinated are the heathens who must remain in QUARANTINE forever…Since they are trying to make vaccinated and unvaccinated a political thing, when it’s really not, you can be some hippie communist not into experimental treatment, not just a redneck in a trailer park shooting off AR-15s into lawn furniture…

While I think we’ve got it ALL wrong, because the only real passport to access both essential and non-essential business we need is an On/Off Passport….

I figure my political party should get in on my idea of on/off passports…if you want in this grocery store…show me your tits outside that shirt, so I know that you’re not lying about your tits with some sort of push up bra conspiracy….

All this to say, fight for what’s right….all women needing on/off passports to LIVE….maybe QR code their foreheads for easier use…

Posted in:OnOff