Maddie Ziegler’s the reality TV child dancer that Sia Adopted like they were 18 year old black dudes, which if you google, is something that Sia adopted….true story…on a bit of a Woody Allen kick and something I’ve probably joked about on the site…you know adopting 18 year old Russian girls…not to parent but to fuck….basic science..
Anyway, Maddie Ziegler was a huge hit in the SIA videos, dancing around like some interpretive dance lesbian you’d find in either Art School, the park or working the old folks home cuz they are talentless hacks who don’t get embarrassed because they truly believe they are artists….
She’s turned 18 and all of a sudden looks like a 25 year old SUGAR baby trying to recruit rich old dudes to pay her rent…
I guess it’s not her fault, her whole generation are sugar babies looking bitches looking like they are marketing themselves for rent…
She’s in a cleavage top, looks hot, that’s all I got.

Posted in:Maddie Ziegler