I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I don’t work out, but I still believe in working out, especaially if you’re a chick, because girls with fit bodies are far hotter than sloppy fat chicks crying fat empowerment or body positivity as they eat their fast food and slowly die, knowing they’ll still get a man, cuz men will fuck anything…if TINDER has taught them anything, it’s that dudes will fuck anything…

I do think that working out is the answer to a better life, even if your involvement in working out, is watching girls workout trying to get hot for superficial reason…

Fat kills, just not fat enough, at least according to me, not that I want to die, but I have this fat wife who I expected to expire years ago but who keeps on leeching off the system, her carbon footprint from her farts alone are enough to stir up pushback from the media hyping global warming, while the scientists deny any trend of global warming…they want to go after the cows and the meat industry, when they should go after all the fat fucks out here, starting with my wife……I watched the Braveheart trailer last night…FREEEEDOM…

Point being, encourage girls to workout….by masturbating on the treadmill behind them until the gym staff yell at you to which you’ll say “THE MASK MADE ME DO IT, I AM OUT OF OXYGEN, THIS IS MY SURVIVAL MECHANISM, MY SECOND LUNG”….or would it be third lung…I don’t know, I’m not a biologist.

Posted in:Workout