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Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Let’s celebrate the inadequacies of a panty design like we celebrate the inadequacies of most people on the internet as they try to find clout and relevance and important by being assholes on social media, but not the good kind of asshole like the asshole behind thong, or even the good kind of asshole who makes people laugh because of just how much of an asshole he is, the bad asshole who just consistently sucks…as they preach whatever bullshit they think they are supposed to because they are just like everyone else…no uniqueness, no individuality, just drones repeating the same words, in the same pose, too dumb to realize they’re actually hypocrites….where as these assholes, assholes we can see through the thong because the thong is inefficient as a panty, yet so many women burnt their old mom panties like it was a Dr Seuss book, because they thought they were supposed to….idiots everywhere, but since the asshole is the gateway to the soul, the uniting orifice all genders can get fucked through, each asshole its own puckered jewell even when there’s no jewell butt plug in….making assholes behind thongs a GLORIOUS experience.

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