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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I am not against the functional use of titties, I just think it’s funny to post lactating pictures and videos for a bunch of perverts who either jerk off to this shit, or hate this shit, cuz they can’t jerk off to the shit, giving them doubts about whether they like tits as much as they think they do, cuz tits do weird shit…like make milk…at least for now…while women are still fertile.

I am a fan of tits and their ability to provide food for a child by day and get titty fucked and cummed on by night…they are like the original super hero…CLARK KENT shit….plus it allows me to see tits in public, a big deal, for people who remember a time seeing tits was more challenging…more of a hunting and gathering than a commercial farming operation…you know.

I don’t hate lactation as much as a hate procreation, the world is fucked, keep it in your pants freaks….if anything I’d want a lactacting bitch in my bunker to keep us all alive…you know since we don’t have 10k to spend on survivalist food rations…..

I do hope you sexualize these tits, because I have been seeing lame woke stories about PINK offering to pay 1700 dollars in fines for a Norwegian handball team’s refusal to wear bikinis for their sport, because she’s never sexualized her manly self for money….not to mention…sites like COSMO make articles on “Best Asses in the NFL”….which is what I should be doing here….”Best Tits of the Olympics”…cuz we’re just animals, mindless retard animals, and we should LIKE to sexualize each other…as animals do…no matter how much SOY MILK and estrogens we eat in our diets.

Posted in:Lactating