I'll Make You Famous…




Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

I got drunk and slept in, so it’s mid afternoon and I am here planning on writing 10 or more posts for 10 or less people, because no one cares what I have to say, and I may make 10 or less dollars doing it….it’s a pretty depressing existence, but it’s what I do….not to mention, America is based on this money grubbing society of consumerism, and I just find people only validating what they do from financial gain pretty shit…sure, making money may be nice, being rich could be great right now since COVID doesn’t affect the rich and you can get a nice private island to live on while society collapses with all the luxurious amenities, you know like living on a private resort….but there’s more to life than money….more fulfilling things than money…for some it is family, others the church, for some free internet porn….and for me…it’s finding titty drops of random strangers to repost for you….like some sort of arbitrator of titty drops….that doesn’t need to exist because you can go out there and find them on their own….but it’s my calling….

I don’t do it better than others, I am not funnier or more talented, and I am paid accordingly…but I feel satisfied from TITTY drops and TITTY drops alone…

Posted in:Titty Drop