This is obviously the single most important post of the day…
The last of the A-Listers….in part because it could be the end of the world, but also because the traditional hollywood is on the outs, no one gives a fuck about celebrities, they are too busy finding their own audiences, but STEINFELD made the cut…like you want to make a cut in those PANTYHOSE after she sings that NDA and CONSENT FORM because you’re a casting agent or producer and don’t want to get tried by the MEDIA and have your life ruined by a fucking TWITTER MOB….since the legal system doesn’t exist anymore..
POint being, that body is ridiculous, and the wholesome Steinfeld who was chubby and not that hot is out of the picture and some bot long body is in….
Some moves to the SLUT realm of the THIRST TRAP for fake feminism…to be a false idol and distract girls as this will MANIPULATE them to post THIRST TRAPS of their own, you know if everyone’s taking THIRST TRAPS because their fav celebs normalize it….we’ve got a shit ton of THRIST TRAPS….nothing BUT thirstier and thirsier THIRST traps will happen…it’s just the nature of the fucking beast…if these girls are fighting amongst themselves for views….they’re about to get a lot dirtier…

Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld