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Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

It’s safe to say that society is filled with a bunch of insecure fucks with no self confidence who just go along with what they are told because it is easier than either speaking up or figuring out their own opinion.

I like to think that people are finally waking out of their comas because they are seeing how fucking mental things are….as they have been following protocol of “Do This and Do That” out of fear mongering….

But I know that they don’t want us to know that the zombies are waking up as to not wake the other zombies who are still as committed to the cause they have always been…like some government henchmen….

So as people who can’t admit they’ve been duped are still hellbent on the lies they are being fed, I know that as time goes on, the plans that have been exposed bit by bit, will eventually make at least the smart ones start to crack….

Maybe journalists will remember their job requirement, which shouldn’t be “acting on behalf of the advertisers”….and maybe they’ll start going rogue and asking actual questions that matter, instead of viral clickbait moments…and maybe some of the personalities out there who get paid a ton of money will start saying “wait a minute”….unless of course there is too much dirt on them….but you get what I mean….

Because Tiny Tits have been marketed as a bad thing, even in this era of empowerment, to push breast implants on insecure girls, and dudes go along with it by saying “flatty flatty 2 x 4 can’t get through the bathroom door”….or whatever other propaganda they’ve pushed on tiny tits…without LOOKING at the whole package of a tiny tit girl to say…DAMN that’s a fucking tight, slim, hot body….#NOFATCHICKS…

So empower you local titty tit girl, I mean they probably don’t really need it and act empowered regardless, it’s a slutty era of prostitution, but you know just tell them you appreciate their tiny tits, to help kill the BIG PHARMA breast IMPLANT industry that is killing TINY TITS and the host bodies….

Posted in:TINY TITS