I'll Make You Famous…




Madelaine Petsch Braless of the Day

Madeline Petsch is some rich kid with a dream. her dad was a banker, retired because he pulled some banker moves that bankers do, because bankers are our OWNERS and HANDLERS who control our CURRENCIES and leaves them enslaved to them because they lend us money for she we can’t afford or some shit….DON’T TRUST BANKERS…

But yeah, her dad dropped out of Banking, cashed out, and launched some pool cleaning business that I am sure is not the same as your cousin in Florida with one of those Leaf Skimmers and a bucket of chemicals he got at Walmart with his METH money because he’s enterprising and knows that if you teach a man to fish, he can get all the meth money he needs, so long as he can get enough people paying him to clean pools…

It’s like how I always make Homeless people do dance routines or other humiliating things for my money they are begging, you can’t just beg me for money and make me say “I’m sorry” like a bitch….when you’re the one ASKING me for money out of nowhere you fucks.

Anyway, Madeline Petsch, as a rich kid, has gone onto Hollywood, landed a hit show that shouldn’t be a hit show, but rather a sign of how doomed our society is…you know a symptom of how dumb people are….but yeah…she got on that show, is the only thing worth jerking off on that show and her body is banging…so stare…


Posted in:Madelaine Petsch