I'll Make You Famous…




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I don’t run this site because I am a narcissist who likes talking about myself and telling really exciting stories from the land of an old, fat, dying hermit…I actually don’t know why I run the site…it’s just sort of here and not doing much so I figure why not update it.

Anyway, the don’t fall for lies and manipulation, it’s not a don’t get shot campaign, figure out what works for you, I don’t care if you like being experimental like two girls in college in the 90s when lesbian sex and other porn acts when they weren’t mandated by their peers.

My issue is more a “Fool me once” kind of thing, where I was a victim of H1N1…meaning at the time I was a hypochondriac, thinking I was going to die of Ebola, only to get sucked into the H1NI shit, never scared of dying, never scared of the Swine Flu, but not wanting to get it…it’s just that the people around me at the time were pushing it on me, I was seeing a specialist for some potential cancer scare, it was inconclusive but I haven’t died yet, I was drunk all the fucking time, I’d drink pussy juice out of a fucking diaper at an old folks home level healthy, so I didn’t really give a shit either way….

Without doing any research…others were exposed to the propaganda and marketing of the big pharma industry that sucked the government into their lie….I blindly got the shot.

I wasn’t coerced to do it by the media, but by the girl I was fucking at the time, and it wasn’t necessarily against my will, it was more a whatever, which should be seen as being against my will.

I blindly got some shot, for some sickness they fear mongered everyone around me with, that was barely deadly…the regular flu was more deadly….

I didn’t have any major reactions, it was a flu shot but different, not this shit they are pushing, but basically they admitted they fucked up, they admitted it hurt people but were liable, they basically got exposed for the lie and the manipulation, the scam from Big Pharma and the WHO manipulating local government… and your boy Fauci was behind that shot too….maybe it was a test run…but miraculously it disappeared….

H1Ni disappeared…..pretty quickly after I got the vaccine….and it was like it never happened at all. There were no deaths, no one sick, it was a lie….and I was one of the suckers who fell for it, sure it was out of laziness, complacency, not googling it….but that’s as bad as being scared into it….

Anyway, when it disappeared, I was mad that it wasn’t an epidemic, wasn’t destructive, all my friends and drinking buddies laughed at me for getting the shot, shamed me for taking an experimental shot for pussy…and as someone who never trusted medicine, giving into medicine, despite not trusting medicine, I knew to pay more attention going forward….

So I regret having got that shot, but I am glad I got duped then and not now, I learned my lesson to pay attention, it’s just that everyone else forgets the H1N1 scam because it wasn’t fear mongered as well as this time around…

So yeah…they’ve scammed me before….and they’re still trying to scam me….because these rich fucks are scammers….you are the power…listen to your damn self…

Here’s an H1N1 Video reminder…do your research….

Here are some stepLINKS…

Astros Fan Busted with Side Chick

TikTok Girl’s Skimpy Bikini

Footage of London after World War II

Art Work that is Aging

Man Hole Explodes

Work Hazzards

Dare Devil Shit


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