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Is this Teen Boy Posing as a Military Member Threatening Martial Law For Real? of the Day

I just saw this video of a teen boy in his dad’s army fatigues, probably on too much estrogen by his school nurse who wants his dick to shrivel up and turn into a cunt, so long as he’s got a mask on…

But yeah, I saw this guy, who is posing like your military, basically saying how he is going to TURN on the citizens who last I checked are paid for by the tax payers, or maybe by the big bankers who print the american dollars to finance themselves, and I guess their friends….

So you’ve got someone who’s job is to protect you, saying if you don’t listen to him, he’s going to turn his guns on you, because when you’re built like a 15 year old boy, I guess real men are scary.

I am in Canada, where we are far more doomed, but American, the land of the free, isn’t looking so free when this shit happens.

If I was a journalist, I’d track down an interview with this Bronson idiot, who I’ll assume is a fake TikTok troll and not legit military, because if this is a legit military member, what a joke….it reminds me of a little kid wearing his dad’s business suit on a Sunday to make the grandparents laugh….

If this is real…what the fuck…I can’t see this ending well!

Hopefully, the real military, that is supposed to defend the American people, and maybe your constitution doesn’t have the same attitude towards its citizens…

We’re all doomed.

Posted in:Videos