I'll Make You Famous…




Ireland Baldwin Topless of the Day

Silly hipster prison tattoo human sketchbook of silliness that is Ireland Baldwin is starting to find her place in the world and I endorse it….

I’ll tell you why I’ll endorse it, not that my endorsement matters, no one gives a fuck about my opinion and I actually feel like an idiot when trying to write this bullshit site that will never be taken seriously, since it’s a fucking joke…but still…

I endorse Ireland Baldwin, in part because she’s topless and has huge tits, wearing her ironic and annoying “bra sucks’ hat, because I fucking hate when people make stupid statements like that, as if it is a political movement, instead of just not wearing a fucking bra…we don’t need to know you think bras suck, we don’t need 1000s of women wearing bras suck shirts…we already know they don’t wear bras…how fucking dumb do we need to be…that we need to label this shit…or that girls think it’s a statement…like those middle aged MOM “wine o’clock” themed bullshit…

ANYWAY, I endorse her because she is rich and famous by birth, thanks to her parents and I fucking love celebrity kids and their weird ass lives…she tried doing the whole social media model thing, doing beachy shoots and failed….all while her COUSIN became the definition of why social media is fucking disgusting…the greed, the lack of vision, the cheesy, the low standards of quality, the informercials, the transactional nature of all content…you get what I am saying…

So Ireland wanted it, failed, went to rehab, became a lesbian, probably realized none of this shit matters, and now does toplessness…all while probably caring more than she should, proven by uploading the shit, because the first move in not caring is not uploading shit and participating in the shitty manipulative game….but she’s one step closer to spread pussy pics and I’m ready for that…as she scrambles to find her place as a low level naked instagram model because I guess it’s the only angle that works.


Posted in:Ireland Baldwin