Caroline in the City’s daughter….who you probably refer to as Marty McFly’s mom’s daughter, because you didn’t watch shitty early 90s sitcoms about a cartoonist in the city based on that CATHY comic that I used to read in a simpler time of “show me the Sunday Funnies”…
Her name is Zoey Deutch and she’s got a budding acting career of her own no thanks to her mom or being raised in the industry by rich people who are dialled into the industry, that’s racist..
You can’t just assume some rich industry girl is only getting work in a very secretive and elite perverted industry….that’d be like saying black people are good at basketball, or that jewish people are good at accounting, or that mexican people are good at making tacos…RACIST…or maybe it would be like saying girls are good at getting cummed in, I mean they are designed for it…but I guess that’s less racist and more scientific…
Either way, connected, entitled, spoiled, given a career by the people who like to celebrate their own or not….in the last few weeks, she’s decided that her nipples are stars that need to be shown to the fans, because this is the second time she’s in a tank top with hard nipples, casually pretending this isn’t about the nipples, because everyone is a pervert, exhibitionist or consumer of the exhibitionist work.
I will be the last person to say that acting requires talent….but I will say that sometimes you see some good movies and she was in one called Buffaloed….so I am not a Zoey Deutch hater…how could I be…have you seen the tits?

Posted in:Zoey Deutch