Ashley Benson is one of those useless celebrities who became a huge social media star, without any real effort, because she was on a hit show at the right time….she hasn’t done much since, at least not as an actor or a social media star, but she’s famous and has big tits and that is what matters.
What she has done in the last few years is buy into the whole Bi-Sexual, FUCK EVERYONE agenda that is being pushed on the kids by the WOKE, without thinking that maybe things are TOO woke, where it is damagingly woke….
It’s the reason why China is getting fags out of their movies, while putting fags in your movie, because they like the 1950s good family values America…and YOU SHOULD TOO…
But I guess porn has fucked everyone’s minds up, the internet has made them all horny all the time, and fucking each other like a bunch of pigs knee deep in decadence, on some Roman Empire shit is where we are at.
So…Benson was fuckign Cara Delevingne or maybe it was Kristen Stewart, not because lesbianism is real, but because it’s edgy, woke, and masturbating with friends is hot….
The good news is…she’s got tits, here are the tits.
Posted in:Ashely Benson