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Nicki Minaj the Anti-Vaxxer Hero of the Day

I always assumed that Nicki Minaj was a puppet used by the industry in exchange for a lot of money

She always used the satanic symbolism in her music videos that these celebrity idiots use, so I just figured she was owned.

Not to mention, she was originally cast as a pop star from an acting school, where she did the Black Lady Gaga thing, before deciding to do the hood rap thing, and throughout it all, I’ve been a hater…

THAT ALL CHANGED TODAY…because she spoke out against the Bullshit Met…basically saying that to get vaccinated to go to a fashion party to be seen is bullshit…when she knows someone who got vaccinated and is now impotent…because guess what…THE VACCINE INJURES PEOPLE….and more importantly the VACCINE doesn’t work…that’s why they are doing BOOSTER shots and the “double vaccinated” are the bioweapons morphing a virus and those who don’t see that covid is the crime against humanity are fucking fools..

Nicki Minaj is clearly not a fool and LUCK

While here’s the left turning on the left….as she says “SISTER” 14 times to bro down…fuck you MSNBC you communist garbage unqualified journalist talking head clowns…what is this trash, who watches this trash….

The funniest thing is that they are SOOOOO Mad at Nicki Minaj, because they want to push this bullshit experimental medicine on people blindly….and all Nicki Minaj said was…

“If you get a vacccine for a party you’re an idiot, get a vaccine after you do your own research”…

MSNBC is so scared of people doing the research, when they’ve censored the research, forcing people to dig through the internet to find the research…

They are mad at her, calling her irresponsible for not being a puppet slave parrot, but instead telling people to get MEDICINE THAT MAKES SENSE to get, not medicine the government decides you need, because they are the government and don’t actually give a fuck about you…

The world is fucked and I blame MSNBC for being part of that, they are the fucking criminals….making their leader richer and richer every second…these people will all eat each other before it’s over…

Posted in:Nicki Minaj