I'll Make You Famous…




Ben Affleck is Hustling New Pussy of the Day

You know what they say, even dudes who get the hottest pussy are bored of the hottest pussy, especially if that pussy is 100 years old and you had it when it was 25 years old…and you didn’t really want it again…but it sort of fell in your lap and allowed you to reposition yourself from the drunk guy who fucks the barely instagram model who did playboy once…

But you know what they say, when you’re in a staged relationship because you are an actor, even if your relationship is a real relationship, it’s still acting cuz you’re an actor…your true colors can come shining through…Actually, I don’t think they say anything about that…

Now I don’t know who Affleck is rolling up on, but it gives off pure street hooker vibes, even though it’s probably just a neighbor or friend, I’m far more into pushing the rumor because J.Lo getting cheated on is the best joke ever because you know she thinks she’s the ULTIMATE…which is why she keeps going, keeps producing, keeps trying to elevate herself and earn, because YOU can never have ENOUGH….even though all stuff she’s striving for doesn’t make her any less empty of a person…

Not that I know J.Lo…I mean she could be the most down to earth, talented, angel just trying to save the world one dance move at a time….but I still like seeing Affleck seemingly creeping on other girls…even if he’s not…and I use “I still like” very loosely since I don’t fucking care about any of this nonsense…

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