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The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I know that the definition of woman, at least in the media, not according to my dick, is some kind of woke bullshit that includes transgender people, or men on hormones, or men with mental illness who think they are ladies, or men who were born into the wrong body…I don’t really dive too into that shit and figure you can be or identify as whatever fucking weirdness you want….and you can be as crazy and weird as you want…just don’t try to rule my fucking existence with your crazy…

So to me, women are women, and that means they were born with lady parts and grow into adults who have those same lady parts that can be used as a facemask, just not CDC recommended for grocery store entrance, can be worn as a condom, just not very easy to fuck other lady parts with when wrapped up in one lady part…and the whole thing, even with the bad press, the rebranding of women, the death of the family….is still hot to old perverts like me who despite having small cock still has enough testosterone to know…women, actual women are hot.

In support of women being hot, I post these waist-to-hip ratio pieces, since trannies can’t really get that natural waist to hip ratio, and our brains acknowledge the waist to hip ratio as a level of sex appeal…despite al the protests…it’s genetic, coded into our animalistic boners, and there’s not much you can do about it, except ignore your natural instinct and CUCK to the powers that be, telling you how to think or what to think…..but I’d rather just look at pics of some girls showing off their waist to hip ratio cuz it’s feminine, it’s womanly, it’s hot…and their sharing is caring…which is something you’d want from a woman…I mean they have that whole maternalistic thing..

Posted in:The Ratio


