Izabel Goulart is the Brazilian dream who was once a Victoria’s Secret angel, who bowed out of that bullshit to move back to Brazil, but still did their VS Fashion Show every year, before the brand was dragged through the mud, cancelled for their ties to some pretty bad people, and not staying up to date on the trends, lost in their repetitiveness that opened the door for Rihanna to build a billion dollar brand doing the same shit they were doing but better…
Izabel Goulart has always been a hot lingerie model, but in the last 5 years she’s been consistently about fitness, about clean eating, about all of that and it fucking shows.
She’s something like 40 maybe even older now, and her body is so fucking long, fit, model-like and what I like to think ALL women should look like.
I guess the expiration date on those who take care of themselves is far less disgusting than those who don’t….that’s not to say she’s not expired, I mean 40 is old, it’s to say she’s a hot 40 and some things you pull out of the fridge that’s expired are less gross than others….you know some people are expired bread, some people are expired milk, and others are expired cheese….or expired pickles…or expired mustard….expired or not you’ll eat it anyway.
I guess the other thing to note is that hot chicks just don’t even need to try, which is something I’ve always said, hot chicks know they are hot and don’t need to try so hard, yet the mid-range hot chicks just try so fucking hard…
This bitch is just here in the best fitness outfit to show you tricks of her fitness trade and it doesn’t seem try hard…it just seems PERFECT.
Now, it’ll be a bit of a downer if we find out she’s actually a Brazilian tranny, something I am sure VS has trolled us with over the years based on Brazilian tranny stats alone….but if that is the case, it would explain her not rotting out, but also she’s hot enough to consider sucking her dick, if she had one…no homo…it’s just if it’s part of the deal…you kinda have to run with it.
The point of the story is that this is a model body and despite the propaganda out there…not every model is a model body…and not every body is a model body for inclusivity…there’s a real model body thing and this is one of those and it’s nice to fucking see even when it’s old as shit.

Posted in:Izabel Goulart