Britney Spears weirdness is by design…everything we see is by design that is why we are seeing it…
Prior to the FREE BRITNEY movement that only got traction because they needed a big pop culture story to distract by the fucked up pandemic measures you’re being sold….like they did with George Floyd, or like they did with any other viral story, even this VAN LIFE girl GABBY and the theatrical manhunt they are undertaking to find her fiance and prime suspect in a world where the FBI is currently watching you with your dick in your hand…meaning…”being on the run” is a fucking lie if I’ve ever heard one…not that it matters..
What matters is that prior to Britney’s dad faking her being released from her prison, she’s still in a fucking prison, because these weird ass content that they put out of her, that is so bootleg and creepy is now continuing now that she’s free and I don’t buy into it….just like I don’t buy into her fiance being anything but an actor they cast to play the part of his lifetime…but maybe I’m just too skeptical….
In this video, crazy Britney, is looking as crazy as she’s looked the last few years, because she’s crazy…but luckily….she’s half naked…in whatever prison cell they shot this in…
Everything about this creeps me out, while giving me boners cuz Britney’s still hot…and I guess a prison sex slave who looks like she’s been crying is porn to some.
Posted in:Britney Spears