I'll Make You Famous…




Norm McDonald’s Prophetic Last Youtube Words of the Day

I didn’t dig too deep into this, but as I’ve made pretty clear on here, I think Norm Macdonald was an amazing comedic mind. I was pretty sad to hear he died, which isn’t something I feel ever, and I think he was brilliant but underrated because the media didn’t like how he said what he said without a filter…the way people SHOULD be….but the mainstream doesn’t like those they can’t control….as you probably know if you’ve seen any of the comedians they’ve created, because they do control who becomes famous and it’s hardly ever the people who deserve to be famous..

Anyway, I don’t know about this shit, I’m not an expert…I’m a hack but I think this video of Norm which they say is one of his last videos offers you some pretty IMPORTANT words you should take fucking seriously…it’s prophecy shit, or really a TS ELLIOT poem, but that doesn’t mean it’s not prophetic….

He’s talking to Roseanne, who is saying that MORE bad shit is coming, and it is….and Norm quoted the Hallow Man poem with:

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

If you think the world is just dealing with a pandemic like a “war” to keep us safe, because you are hopeful…you are BUT a fool.

Listen to Norm…do something otherwise what is the fucking point of living…

Here’s Norm Macdonald on God…

Posted in:Videos