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Two View Hosts Get Pulled Off Live for Testing Positive for COVID of the Day

I don’t really do news as much as I do LOLz….but I guess sometimes news and pop culture unite and bring us such hits like this one…

Basically the View Hosts were supposed to be interviewing Kamala Harris today, two that you’ve never heard of, we’ll call them not Joy Behar, Whoopi, Barbara Streisand Walters, or Star Jones…tested positive for COVID….and got fucking PULLED off the stage and thrown in what I’ll presume is a van out back where they took them to COVID camp to quarantine…

Despite Joy Behar claiming they were vaccinated out of the WAZOO, which I guess is what old ladies call their cunts now that they are less a functional sex organ and more a party trick that just dangles there….

These are Break Through cases because the vaccines work, but sometimes 2 people out of 4 test positive, 2 out of 4 ain’t bad…you have to wonder if Joy is in the dressing room drinking bleach in hopes she doesn’t get taken down too…

The truth is that the two hosts do not appear to be too sick, so get your vaccines people…maybe more boosters…fight this barely deadly virus like it was ivermectin, vitamin D or even the Tetanus shot…which we’ll assume they’ll be given so they can get back to normal in the next 2 days, you know since you can’t have vaccinated COVID deaths on record, it’ll go against the vaccine working narrative….like two hosts who are vaccinated being pulled off live tv….oops…I just wish it was hazmat suit wearing people that pulled them off the stage for effect…

All this to say, the jokes write themselves, because I can’t write them, clearly….

Now you understand why Kamala kisses her gay husband with a mask on despite being vaccinated….because the vaccines work guys….if you don’t mind getting COVID….so get your shots!


After the initial LOL of the two View Hosts you’ve never heard of being publicly told they have covid despite being vaccinated, you have to remember, it was done like this intentionally, to instil fear and push vaccine boosters, otherwise it wouldn’t be done live to become a viral event. duh.

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