I don’t know if Heidi Klum, who I assume is around 50 years old, has real or fake tits, I just know that she looks pretty fucking wonderful regardless of where the titties are from.
If anything, I like to think of her as proof that eugenics is a solid strategy to make for hot chicks, something I like to think Communist Russia experimented with also, you know kill off the uglies, or keep breeding the hotties, so the ugly gene gets eliminated from our DNA…a world without ugly chicks…a fucking dream….
So as much as you hate the idea that some of your favorite Sci/Fi movies or books are potentially real, like Brave New World, where they just breed kids in a lab to have perfect genetics, you have to remember that a world without uglies, is a world worth living in….assuming they won’t kill you off cuz you ugly…which I wouldn’t assume since I’m ugly….meaning great idea in theory, but we need uglies to hide amongst, so that we can enjoy the hotness like this old lady confusing me with her hotness despite being old.
Posted in:Heidi Klum