I'll Make You Famous…




Jordyn Jones Titty Top of the Day

Not that I give a fuck about Jordyn Jones in any way….because I really don’t….but I don’t give a fuck about any of these celebs ladies I’ve been writing about, because someone needs to make a talking about female celebrity website, when bro white men are busy apologizing for being misogynists, or white, or whatever as they wear their little shorts, watching their fantasy sports league, trick shot videos and learning how to crypto….some of us still have balls and want to look at slutty celebs reducing themselves to sex bodies while crying “don’t sexualize me, unless you pay”….

If I don’t do it, who will..

ANyway, Jordyn Jones who writes her name like a stripper name, is a dancer that was sold to a creepy and perverted child dance show, she leveraged that to social media following, made some money with it, but is now seeing more money the sluttier she gets…it’s a right of passage hot girls need to go through…

So as she’s figuring out the sluttier she gets, the more people care, and the more people pay….we’re at the point of countdown until actually doing hardcore porn….we need a ticker, they all crack..especially when they were raised white trash and sold to the industry young.

I guess it’s better than sucking dick in trailer parks for meth like less enterprising middle of the road girls of Kalamazoo Michigan just trying to get by…


Posted in:Jordyn Jones