In important Miley Cyrus news, she’s starring in the most important photoshoot she’s done since she indoctrinated the youth into becoming naked on the internet sex workers, it’s no big deal, MILEY does it…..
I have always been on the fence as to what level of creative control these people have for themselves, she was a rich kid thanks to her Daddy, so maybe she’s been treated a little differently than the starlets they pull out of laundromats in Ohio, or wherever they find their Disney Kids….
I have a hard time believing that she’s not answering to someone, because these people are all puppets working for someone, and most will never speak out against their handlers, the people who pay them, or the people who made them….and I don’t think they’d ever go against what their assigned teams tell them to do….
But I am a skeptic…and I am not focusing on what is important, which is a hot bodied Miley being edgy and showing that hot body that we’ve all seen before, but that is still fun to look at, because there’s not enough of this professionally shit being produced for free, all these girls just sell this shit on OnlyFans and that takes the purity out of it and makes it transactional…and that cheapens the whole experience…
This was for INTERVIEW MAGAZINE where she’s being interviewed by Metallica…..
The photos are by a photographer named BRIANNA CAPOZZI who may or may not sue me for posting this amazingness because people don’t like me….even though I like their pics! HATERS!

Posted in:Miley Cyrus