I find it interesting that I didn’t give a fuck about Alessandra Ambrosio when she was a Victoria’s Secret model, you know when she was younger and theoretically, based on that fact alone, hotter…girls don’t get hotter when they get older unless they practice fucking witch craft or evil…
So yeah, don’t think that I gave a fuck about any Victoria’s Secret model, this site was started as a joke to make fun of losers who didn’t go outside to fuck real chicks, because they were too busy overhyping the above average celebrity chicks they’d fetishize, which as far as I’m concerned, it’s a waste of fucking time and a waste of fucking life…hence why I do it all day…I hate myself more than I hate any of these people…
But yeah, Ambrosio, the average model during her time with VS, eventually turning into the 40 year old who never fucking retired…yet all of a sudden…she’s hot as shit now..
How does that happen? Is this a clone, is this a real person, I mean when you’re human trafficked to America to pose half naked, there’s probably lots of secret stories and dick sucks we’ll never know about…
What we do know is that maybe it’s diet, exercise, fitness, strategic face injections, sleeping because they are rich and have nothing else to do…there’s probably ways to “Hack the system”….
Because this fitness content with her tits is hot…and that makes no sense at its core…but that’s how it goes.

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio