I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

GET FIT motherfuckers, or watch girls using fitness as an angle to show off their hotness, BOTH work in their own way to get that heart beat up like it as an adverse vaccine reaction….HOT PUSSY WORKING OUT GIVES ME MYOCARDITIS LIKE IT WAS PFIZER…

We all know that being fit is the key to a strong immune system, and having a strong immune system means that you’ve got some armor against whatever bio weapon they throw at you, at least until they get more aggressive and start pushing seriously deathly viruses on us, which they will…that’s the ERA…

We may know that being fit makes for a better quality of life and all that shit, you know fitting into a plane seat or not breaking a chair in a restaurant is just the tip of the fucking icerberg…

But that doesn’t mean we have what it takes to get fit….or to bother, because maybe dying sooner than necessary is the real answer, why have a lust to win when you’re just a useless eater.

Luckily, we have girls who workout and who are into producing sexual content around their workouts…so we can feel healthy by extension of their hard work…

The chicks are really the only reason to go to the gym, also a good reason to become trans, so you can go to the locker room at the gym, to see them in the showers, like we want to…and deserve to…because we are WOMEN too…at least when we hit the gym…

Posted in:Workout