I'll Make You Famous…




Tanline Thursday of the Day

If you’re not on your way to the promised land that is Florida, which I am sure is not actually the promised land, I don’t believe in any of these people are heroes, the entire system is a fucking disaster that probably need to be rebuilt or collapse so that you can live in your pod eating your bugs while a machine jerks you off in the metaverse because real life is such hell….They have been planning for this haven’t they…

But yeah, if you’re not on your way to Florida, which is seemingly the only place worth living in in the USA right now, where you can kick it in your bikini and get your tan line for your nudes….you can definitely find some underground SPRAY tanner to do it for you…since all the sluts I know during the lockdowns still had their tan on…it’s like the UNDERGROUND railroad of our generation….hiding under floor boards for TAN LINES…

Point being Tan Lines are hot…and this is a round-up of some.

Posted in:Tanlines