I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

How about some MILKY boobs to celebrate the natural being created in the image of God….whatever that means to you, may be different to what it means to me, but ultimately, when they try to get you to worship trashy celebrities, or personalities, or rich people who created uninspiring companies, that just pray on the average person….you know they are trying to make you forget how divine our existence is….

We are made from nature, from the natural world, with this terminal illness that is life, but that shouldn’t be seen as a terminal illness, but rather as an opportunity to not get too caught up in the evil consumerism society they’ve thrown us into….this “AR” that isn’t quit the METAVERSE yet, but that people treat as if it is….

So when you see a woman with her tits out, lactating, capable of feeding her offspring, now that the chemicals in the foods, meds, water, air still allow them to have offspring….

I have traditionally not been into moms, but I’ve always been into moms pulling milk filled tits out in public, because if I can see a tit without paying a cover charge, it’s a win…

Posted in:Lactating