I'll Make You Famous…




Charli XCX Bikini Car Crash of the Day

I have been having the Satanism in the music industry conversation since the Travis Scott thing happened….and whether you believe that these people are satanic or not is up to you. I know most people I talk to are godless freaks who don’t really grasp the concept of God and think they are just here to jerk off all day to porn, or to do other non Christian degenerate shit, like sleeping in on Sundays instead of going to pray, you know because society threw GOD out the window by removing it from school, life, etc….which by definition seems to be a Satanic thing to do….

So whether you believe in a GOD in heaven or SATAN in hell, you can still spot EVIL intentions….and whether those come from evil greedy money hungry people or the demons they worship or are possessed by in this soulless society or not….you can say that there’s a lot of satanic imagery in the music they make, the videos they produce, and for whatever reason, when someone breaks through officially, like Charli XCX, it’s done in some weird kind of ceremony full of symbolism.

You see, this bitch has been around for at least 8 years, she’s been famous, touring, but never a household name…

THis past year, she bought a 30 million dollar house in LA and I thought…”SOMEONE CUT A DEAL WITH SOMETHING BIG”….and then she dropped a slutty video where she’s basically at a funeral….UPLIFTING…so I’ve written her off as someone who sold her soul, whether that’s figuratively or literally, I don’t know, I’m not hiding under Charli XCX’s bed or in her closet, or installing TOILET CAMS in her 30 million dollar house…BUT I would be…and that’s the point of this post….CHARLI XCX now that she’s sold her soul is hotter than she used to be…you can thank the devil for that because you know that she is….


Posted in:Charli XCX