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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I haven’t done the deepest dig on why they criminalized weed back when they criminalized weed….but I never subscribed to the “It’s Racist” storyline….I mean sure, it’s possible that they played the race card in a racist society at the time they decided to make weed illegal…but that’s far too simplistic a reason…I mean they don’t want the Mexican immigrants who came over to America with their weed medicines which I guess made the white folk uneasy and willing to accept that weed caused some sort of psychotic behavior…because weed was Mexican before it went black….

I did watch some documentary this week called GOD’s PLANT or something on Amazon, so it could just be propaganda to make everyone a mindless shill as they are the platform that want to be the governing corporation of the world. You know Sci/Fi movies have the one evil company that runs everything, yeah….they’d definitely need a lot of people stoned for that…

HOWEVER, if they don’t smoke the weed, they probably don’t realize that it actually wakes people up to the insanity that is going on, it’s BOOZE that dumbs us down, but WEED enlightens…and connects people to their soul..

Which is why I think that whole attack on weed happened, the evil in charge can’t have you connected to your soul….

But easier to grasp, the WEED plant, that they call GOD’s PLANT, is so versatile it could destroy countless industries that they make a lot of money from.

From medicine, to HEMP FIBRES, to its ability to grow in crazy conditions since it is a weed…it is CLEARLY a gift from nature….no processing needed to make it work.

Anyway, this GOD PLANT documentary went into are CBD receptors and how we are built to connect to WEED…WEIRD…it is even mentioned in the bible…more importantly…it shrunk and potentially cured cancer for the people they interviewed….

So if you don’t subscribe to evil trying to keep you from God’s plant that is mentioned in the bible, you can subscribe to BIG CORPORATIONS WHO MAKE TRILLIONS OFF CANCER TREATMENT can’t stay in business if a cure for cancer is in a fucking weed.

I know it’s crazy, but I didn’t make the documentary, I just think these girls promoting weed or that they smoke weed like they are cancer fighters are worth lookin’ at cuz they get slutty and we like that.

Posted in:Weed