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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I’ve been looking at these breast milk squirting girls all wrong. I was thinking they are just girls who lost their sex appeal because of the whole pregnancy thing that led to these milky tits blowing out their vaginas like it was a birthday cake….only with more blood and afterbirth…

I figured their husbands weren’t into fucking them, assuming they had husbands is a bit of a stretch since there is an attack of family, relationships and people are just getting cummed inside for intimacy…so take the new tits and the new tit talents of milking those tits the way nature intended you know since we can feed our offspring and live off the land…and not in the hell society has imprisoned us with.

But why overthink women being enterprising with new found talents that require no actual talent…all they have to do is get cummed in.

I celebrate women’s natural body functions because I’m not queer and like the things people with biological vaginas can do….

Posted in:Lactating