I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I know that society is a little decadent and godless. I just spent an hour looking at NFTs trying to figure out that scam, not that my mantra is that money is energy and it comes easy, not just to important people, or smart people, or people who take risks, but for all you motherfuckers out there who are a slave to that evil DOLLAR…the world’s new god…

I typically don’t give a fuck about money, it’s never been an interest or passion or motivator, and it’s always just been shit to me, but this pandemic made me realize, it’s better to be stupid rich in it, if you’re into being left the fuck alone…

Anyway, people are buying GIFs for millions of dollars, in the biggest FUCK you to money and I guess the system and that shit is fucking weird…but not as weird as the other easy money that people are getting because they are all porned out or porned up and are rewarded on the internet based on how slutty they are…it’s soulless really…by design…they just call it feminism…so instead of wanting to have families, to raise the next generation, they want to get paid and get designer purses…

So the whole breast feeding thing being made into a fetish is really the only way humanity and birthing will survive..

It’s not about creating a legacy, or finding passion in being a wife or homemaker, it’s about being a MILKY TIT MODEL…the whole having a kid is just a consequence or side effect of being that kind of FETISH model…

I used to be grossed out by breast feeding turned into a fetish, I mean it’s nature’s way to feed the babies and help them thrive…this is the function of tits…and then there are the girls who get mad at you for jerking off to them as they breast feed…SO CHOOSE a fucking stance…

Is breast feeding natural and non-sexual…STOP SEXUALIZING US….or is it a fucking FETISH you want us jerking off to…MIXED messages are dangerous and confusing.

Posted in:Lactating


