I'll Make You Famous…




Zendaya’s BTS of a Weird Shoot of the Day

Zendaya’s in Interview Magazine, doing that media circuit…because I guess she’s promoting some meaningless bullshit they’ll try to trick you into thinking is totally important…like a movie no one should care about…but do care about…because it is amazing how brain dead, low expectation, half retard society has become.

The good news is in trying to keep things relevant and interesting, Interview Magazine, who put this shoot that these are the Behind the Scenes from, out…you know cuz they’re Andy Warhol’s magazine and must be edgy to be artsy….coupled with no one cares about shit unless there’s some level of being able to jack off to it.

I don’t know what was discussed in the intereview, I look at pictures, I don’t read the meat of the story, because I can assure you that there is no meat, she’s a child star doing adult roles now that she’s an adult….her life a boring, contrived, rich, obnoxious, excessive, vulgar, isolated, unimpressive in the grand scheme of things…unless you’re one of the idiots into Euphoria where she plays a drug addict in love with a tranny, while I’m in the corner staring at Syd Swweeney’s TITTY…

That doesn’t mean Zendaya’s not hot, because she is hot, so here’s that BTS…

Posted in:Zendaya