I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Here are some milky tits…which I recommend you download, archive, maybe burn it on a DVD for when they turn off the internet or only allow you to access a handful of curated sites they control…probably not too far away in our future…but something I won’t be a part of because I don’t work with Satanists and removed myself from society for that reason many years ago…I’m sure I could have whored myself in better ways than updating a site I do 100 percent of the content on that makes no money, but this isn’t about me or my perversion…

Or is it…

I mean sure, I love watching girls pulling out their tits in public, because I like the idea of fertility and nature’s use for the tits, because I am able to block out the baby from the situation and see the girls like these girls who are putting their milky tits out there for fetish not for function….

I have made eye contact with EVERY breast feeder I’ve ever come across in my day to day life…because it’s a TIT pulled out….

I don’t want to get into the conspiracy of shitty shots, but I was talking to my sperm donor friend and he told me that none of the girls he gives sperm to are able to keep their babies, it’s miscarriage after miscarriage…

Then I saw a report from part of Canada where the still births are through the roof…we’re talking 80 still births when there are normally 3.

Then I saw a report of newborns in vaccinated wombs who do make it to fruition bleeding from their newborn sex organs…which is fucking crazy….

Then I spoke to a lady who works at the birthing ward of a local hospital and she confirmed that she’s seeing non stop still births…daily to 3 times a week…when normally it was a once a month thing..

So believe the conspiracies or not, but SAVE these breast milk videos, because soon…breast feeding will be some archaic thing old school humans did before they turned into cyborgs or whatever the fuck they’re turning into….

Posted in:Lactating