I'll Make You Famous…




Amanda Cerny Tits of the Day

Amanda Cerny is doing her best CRUELLA while posing with her dalmations, because she’s a modern woman who grew up on Disney and has been manipulated by the propaganda they’ve pushed on her in order for her to dream that Disney Princess life…which may be the reason she got into Playboy in the first place, since Playboy girls at the time were fast tracked to that Disney life since rich dudes like girls who have ben in Playboy, it gives them status and something to do with their money…

Apparently, vine stars also like Playboy chicks, because that’s where Amanda Cerny prospered, people didn’t even realize she was a Playboy chick, but assumed she was just from VINE….and she got rich and millions of followers because of it…proving that if you know how to monetize you don’t need a man to make your dreams come true….

With the demise of Vine, the advent of girls selling nudes, Cerny has dipped her toe into that whole world, which makes sense, since it’s how she got her start..

I don’t know if this is part of that, I just know she’s topless with dogs and that’s about as CHRISTMAS as we get around here this year…since it’s a DARK Christmas and not a FEEL GOOD CHRISTMAS…due to bullshit tyranny…like the fact that this toplessness has no nips…WHAT IS UP WITH THAT….we can literally google her old shoots and see her uterus…but she won’t even give you a glimpse of the nip. MEAN GIRL.


Posted in:Amanda Bynes|Amanda Cerny