Here’s some Anya Taylor Joy in a bikini doing some sort of bikini run or walk for her social media…
For some reason she is considered the next big thing in Hollywood according to her being invited to the GETTY wedding….making one wonder if she was created in a cloning lab in their basement…you know CONSPIRACIES….
I think all these idiots are boring and a reminder that HOLLYWOOD is fucking dead and that in 2022 they will go back to not being WOKE idiots trying to please everything, and become the “cancel us, it’s funny” like they used to be…because the WOKE has gone too far, everyone knows it, except the woke, and we can hope these bought propagandist make shit less uptight and more fun because they are single handedly ruining the fucking world…
Not Anya Taylor Joy, she’s just one of their puppets…but a reminder of an industry that may fucking die if they don’t grow a pair of fucking balls…and become the toxic and ignorant people they are even when they are woke…because woke for the most part is fucking ignorant…NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND you “HAPPY KWANZAA” wishing white TV shows who don’t realize KWANZAA was made up in the 60s and a not a real holiday, yet I saw Happy Kwanzaa more than Merry Christmas from idiot people this year….
Oh right…Anya Joy – bikinis.
Posted in:anya taylor joy