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Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I don’t live in a state of fear because I am totally fine with the whole idea of dying and realize that at my level of unhealthy, I can die of anything at any given time, and I’m surprised I’m still here…

I should have probably been run over, in a drunk driving accident, heart attacks, strokes, overdoses, AIDS, diabetes herpes dick like Weinstein, etc at least a few times by now, so the hypochondriac bullshit doesn’t really make sense to me…especially when I’m in Starbucks looking for moms breastfeeding as I do…only to see the dining area is closed off to everyone…but the area the dining room once was before COVID is full of 40-50 people on each other’s dicks waiting for their Lattes…but they are safe…you know MASKS…or some shit…

The point is…COVID may be real, but it’s overhyped and people are scared fucking shitless, and in this new era of everyone is fucking mental, filling up hospitals from their paranoia not their actual sickness, giving numbers to manipulate to push more vaccines, while people working in medical get fired for not having vaccines, only to be asked back now that the vaccinated people are all getting sick, because this is clown world…is a good enough reason to support the sex working medical workers…

Fuck the system, make your own opportunities, SELL nudes, maximize on SUPPORT OUR HEALTHCARE heroes and give me the only thing I want out of the medical system, except hard drugs…and a canister of laughing gas…NITROUS FOR LIFE….the tits behind the scrubs….GIVE ME THE TITS BEhiND THE SCRUBS…

Posted in:NURSES