I believe that Candice Swanepoel’s removed her small implants because she’s no longer a Victoria’s Secret girl under contract, even though her entire existence is based on that Victoria’s Secret brand, we don’t even know if her origin Desmund Tutu story is real, we just know that’s what they tell us and we don’t dig into it, when really it would be more cost effective to genetically modify her / make her in a lab and raise her in boarding schools, family-less and empty….but I guess the fact that she’s had kids means she’s not a clone…as clones can’t breed according to all my clone research…
Anyway, tits with or without small implants are still tits and Swanepoel despite being old is still hot…MAYBE it has something to do with that whole GMO transhuman experiments that I like to think created her and that will be implemented around the world so that we no longer have uglies.
You see, people like to hate on the transhuman agenda, but think of the hot non-human fem bot pussy from the labs…
Posted in:Candice Swanepeol