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Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

The asshole behind thong is a reminder of how inefficient the thong is as a panty, yet despite it’s lack of coverage, so many girls were brainwashed into only wearing thongs, thanks to propaganda…

I WONDER WHAT ELSE PROPAGANDA would make a woman do….or really ANYONE do…

The asshole behind thong is also a reminder than the thong, despite being inefficient as a panty…DEFINITELY not the POISE absorbant underwear for bitches who piss themselves doing YOGA, I’ve seen the commercials…it’s still amazing because you get to see the asshole when in the thong..

So girls, who want to flash their asshole, without being slutty and naked, can do it by putting on a thong…

Why would a woman want to flash her asshole you ask? Have you been on the internet, have you sexted, do you not know the asshole is the gateway to the fucking soul…it’s the ultimate in SEX to know you’ve seen all a bitch has to offer…

It’s also the gender neutral orifice….not that you should think about gender becasue the people who do are the fucking worst…

I repeat, people gotta stop putting thought into this gender shit, like it’s a science or a University class…because it is nuts, people sit and analyze what their gender means to them or some shit, when really, it doesn’t mean anything to anyone, no one cares…if you’re a girl who likes peeing standing up, then pee standing up and fuck off, if you’re a guy who likes wearing thongs, or who likes fucking himself up the ass with his tucked dick in his ass, then do that…WE DO NOT CARE and we do not need to hear it…you over analyzing pile of bullshit..NO ONE CARES…just do what you fucking do without explaining it on the internet in text book like terms to make it seem like it is anything but fucking INSANITY.

Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong