I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I keep seeing these amazing memes about not needing condoms because they are double vaxxed, you know making fun of the whole infertility conspiracy that could be true since there is no longterm evidence of it NOT being true, and the whole 4/5 women who were 20 weeks or less pregnant at the time of their vaccines ended up having miscarriates…DATA…who needs it…it’s just going to be manipulated and presendted to people to push whatever the person is trying to push on the unsuspecting retard incapable of reading data….like TINA TURNER ALWAYS SAID….what’s DATA gotta do with it…no wait that was LOVE…

Anyway, these ladies clearly had no issue getting knocked up, or maybe they got knocked up long enough to have milky tits, only to lose the baby, which would have been burdensome anyway, so might as well use the GIFT of milky tits that it left you to produce SMUT for the perverts…because it is ART….and these are ARTISTS..

Tits doing what their biological design is hardly hot to me, but I guess in an era of no one breeding, it becomes a fetish, or a niche, or a freakish TABOO thing…and as someone who doesn’t LOVE dairy, but not in an annoying VEGAN way, I’d fucking latch onto all these bitches and call them MAMA as I shit myself…you know, because why the fuck not….I mean we’re a society filled with stunted children who whine, cry and complain, wanting to be taken care of instead of growing up and taking charge of their own life…so they might as well get the perks of being a man-child and SUCK some MILK FILLED titty.

Posted in:Lactating