I'll Make You Famous…




Sydney Sweeney Fucks of the Day

With last week’s Sydney Sweeney Euphoria rant, I said that I wasn’t going to watch the season…and that I’d stick to just posting the Sydney Sweeney sex scenes you know they’ll be pushing all season now that she’s a viral fucking star, far more famous when they first showed us her tits, even though she had small roles on some huge shows, meaning she was pulled out of the industry and created by the industry, which just doesn’t happen that much anymore, it’s all fucking social media idiots who the industry partner up with because of their followers, not because of the talent, but because of the digital marketing prowess…boring.

I want my celebrities brought to me from the ether, not from a self produced IG account or YOUTUBE channel….

Anyway, they did good with Sweeney, thanks to her big tits, but they still probably can’t carry the overhyped show….written by some spoiled industry child with a VERY succcessful father…meaning his interpretation of “Kids these days”…is all manufactured from his imagination, reading reddits or scrolling instagram…HIS candy ass upbringing as a rich kid in LA makes his EDGINESS a fucking lie…and for that reason alone…you can’t take that show seriously…

If anything, I just see it as pushing this satanic agenda that teens are these broken, drug addicted, sex addicted, shells with no real integrity….

So when I see people hype the shit up, I think how two dimensional and obvious the characters are…I think of how bad this is for the future generation to think this is high school and how you should act…and I think how ugly they make Zendaya…

Let some rich brat who doesn’t know shit about struggle, or edginess, unless he lived in a Brooklyn loft that daddy paid for, get a TV show where he basically does some rich person parody of the teen plight of modern times…instead of giving a show to an actual 20 year old who just lived it is TYPICAL…which is why most content fucking sucks….

I do not see a masterpiece, although they do use HIP filters on their footage to give it a vibe…and I don’t see humor, fun, or funny….like a coming of age story for teens in the 90s with American Pie, or teens of the 80s with John Hughes shit….this is just a product of the WORST victim minded whiney sexual liberated trash you HOPE society doesn’t actually look like…

I did end up watching the first episode, it was garbage, but who cares about what I think, the CRITICS love it….and I’m really only here for Sweeney’s tits that in last night’s episode got fucked from behind and made to jiggle…the way you’d want the hangers to hang when in doggy style formation…

She is the best the show has to offer…and that’s about all I got for that.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney


