I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora Bikini Tits of the Day

I just saw Rita Ora announced that she is starring in some Beauty and the Beast origin story series for Disney Plus, which we’ll assume she’s either playing the beast or Angela Lansbury, who for whatever reason, I remember being in the original cartoon, even though I’ve never seen it, because I am not a fucking weirdo….

I guess the lesson in all this is that if you go to enough parties, meet the right people, get kicked out of your initial record deal only to get paid off so that you can socialize with the right people, going to events 3-4 times per day to get seen on the red carpet, using the rockin’ big Albanian Refugee tits to get seen for what must be a decade now….EVENTUALLY someone will feel sorry enough for you and give you that chance…you know acting doesn’t require talent, it’s a who you know situation, a social game that I guess Rita Ora has gamed…

All the NAYSAYERS who called her a bootleg Rihanna, or a virtual unknown party girl with a budget, or an international success thanks to tricking international people into thinking she was an American success, so they followed the lead….even though you wouldn’t even notice her at a GRAMMY party waiting in line for a free drink if she was in front of you….

I like to chalk this up as a WIN for hot tits, right before it’s too late, because she’s getting old as shit….and you know how that goes for tits.

It’s a titty win for us titty lovers that have been by her side online or every inch of cleave she’s ever shown…

In a way, I feel like her wins are our wins, even though she’s the only one getting rich off it, and the idea of jerking off to Disney Plus is a weird one, unless you’re in Canada, where you can see Pam and Tommy dick and fake tits ALL day….next to Duck Tails….or whatever else is on that fucking sinister app.


Posted in:Rita Ora