I'll Make You Famous…




Aubrey O’Day Still Alive of the Day

I remember a few years ago, there were some paparazzi pics of Aubrey O’Day that I am not going to find, but that I am sure you can google, that showcased a 600 pound lifer….

That’s not to say she weighed 600 pounds, but she was fucking HUGE, school-bus-like, you know a full fledged fat chick….while still producing half naked content for her social media….

It was one of those “is she using filters and photoshop apps that aggressively”…because you can totally Brian Wilson yourself and go into hiding for a few years, eating basically all day from the comfort of your bed, only releasing old pics, curated pics, or super fucking edited pics…

Everything on the internet is a fucking lie, that’s why I always say “It’s just the internet” and if you don’t have a filter or ability to spot the fake chick, you’re forgetting that dudes have used filters to look like hot chicks….

You could go and use a filter that costs 500 dollars to make, that turns you into Madonna, or a pirate, or a cat….in a “realistic” way….

That should makes you pretty suspicious of the things that the world leaders and media can put out there with endless budgets..it make me pretty suspicious..

Now, I don’t know if Aubrey took COVID seriously, and bought into the whole “get healthy and you wont get sick”…remaining thick enough for her demographic of dudes into thick bitches, just not WALMART line up thick….but I’ll buy into this potential lie, only cuz the tits are huge enough to distract from the rest of her that is likely huge…


Posted in:Aubrey O'Day